What a beautiful thoughtful piece Bryn! The whole perspective on 'identity' has been one I have grappled with for years - personally and professionally. Whenever I engage in a 'parts of self' conversation, people better be ready! You are so right about the boxes (or labels) that we are assigned to or, at times, we assign ourselves. I taught nursing years ago and was somewhat surprised by how many students went into nursing because someone in their family thought that was a good choice (also, what options were there really? nursing, teaching, secretary ... who had the nerve to try to join the RCMP? I did for a minute!) Then I realized why I went into nursing! My grandmother! I wanted to be a French teacher!

I have had an exceptional career - & I know it's part of the 'greater plan' However, I think there is a piece of your post today that hits on the whole identity thing ... here we go - more reflection!

Sometimes, I think, oh we've come a long way ... then, nope! Not so much.

I have three 'inspirational' daily calendars (I bet you are not surprised!). Here's a quote from one today from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

Thanks, Bryn!

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I am not surprised by the three calendars at all 🩷 I’m curious to hear about them, what made you choose them. I am surprised about the RCMP - fascinating!! If anyone could have infused care into that profession, it would be you. I’m always pulling on the yarns of my identity, and I think this discourse calls for a Manhattan 🩷

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Also that quote is beautiful 🥺

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That was a really cool way to approach that topic Bryn, thanks

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Thanks, Tom!

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Jun 25Liked by Bryn Robinson

I love this! Everyone has a box they were stuck in that they didn’t like or didn’t fit - some are just more painful than others, and if they can get out of those boxes, why not? This is such a great way to think about identity.

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Thank you! Why not indeed 🥂 📦

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