Thanks for Stopping by the Campfire.
Grab a chair, a log, maybe a comfy blanket, and settle in for stories and art.
My name is Bryn, and this is my Campfire Notebook, where I explore the world around me through science and art, curiosity and creativity.
Why Do I Write Campfire Notebook?
Art in science, and science in art, are as inseparable as coffee and me. I love to learn more about about the ways that folks creatively share their research through paintings, sculptures, or installations; and, I love to see how art can “nerd out” by focusing on STEM topics that have traditionally not been accessible outside a laboratory.
Honestly? As a professional nerd who wants to learn about everything science and art, Campfire Notebook is my playground to explore and share ideas I’m excited about with others.
How is the Campfire Set Up?
Each week, I share some observations of my world, accompanied by art and science (sometimes mine, but usually others’ works that move me). I never know what will inspire me that week, so the topics are usually a surprise (but I am a sucker for a theme; c.f. my annual Spooky Science posts, or the Women in Science art project).
Campfire Bard
In addition to the usual Campfire fare, once a month, I create and share a new poem with some art for you; I’m working on submitting poetry to publishers, so these posts give you a peek into my work.
Past Poems from the Campfire
Invasive Species | The Tangent Function | A Spark That Spreads | Mango | Tangled Whispers | Springtime Elegy | Cannonball | Sugar Pants | Bracelet Days | Emerging | The Cry from the Attic
Spooky Science Library
Spooky Science is an annual feature at Campfire Notebook that examines all manner of creepy curiosities in the world of science and SciArt.
Fire extinguisher bombs | Body hacking | The case of Little Albert | Old pharmacy recipes
Healing soups | Electroshock therapy | Disease make-up | Blood as art
The fungus among us | The brain-body stress link |
Thanks for joining me around the Campfire - I appreciate your support. If you haven’t yet joined, subscribe now for free to get your seat around the campfire each week.