Jun 27Liked by Bryn Robinson

Lovely photos - and a great reminder to just experience things for themselves, not for a 'reason'. I'm traveling with my son to NC this summer - the reason is to see grandparents and family, but I want to actually just experience the place for itself. Which, despite having grown up there, I probably never really have ....

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We’re so cultured to do things for productivity and purpose that we forget just “being” is a valid purpose. I’d love to hear the difference in your visit this time compared to life growing up there.

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Jun 27Liked by Bryn Robinson

I’ll let you know! It’ll be interested to see it through accompanied eyes.

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Love it Bryn. This reminds me of the time I accompanied my wife to a conference in Montreal, my first experience as the conference husband. I spent three days just wandering around and had an absolute blast.

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I love wandering, and getting a bit lost! That sounds like a fantastic time and Montreal is a great city for that (especially the old city).

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Loved this post Bryn! I felt I was wandering around Ottawa too!

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Thanks! The layers exposed on this visit were far richer than the slices I previously got. Well worth the impulse!

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Growing up in Kingston, we were in between Ottawa and Toronto. School trips to the Mint, the Parliament Buildings and of course, Sparks Street were always fun.

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The Mint is not one I’ve done yet - worth it? I really wanted to check out the Diefenbunker but being a far distance out of the city and where Ben was tied up every day, as the politics fan, it wouldn’t have been as fun. Sparks St. is fun!

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Ok, this was back in the 70s Bryn! I don't know what it is like now, but seeing all that new money was a sight! I purchased a silver dollar. 😁

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"To just be." Oh Bryn, this is fabulous. And wow, 45km in FOUR DAYS? 🙌 Blimey! Sounds - and looks! - like an absolutely wonderful trip.

I'll never forget a new friend saying to me on my arrival in Germany in 1996 to study, 'To get to know a place you need to get lost in it, Rebecca.' Yup. 🙄 If I had taken her advice I'd STILL be lost - probably somewhere between Hamburg and Germany's border with Denmark. In her defence she didn't know at the time that I would even get lost on the way back from the postbox that was visible from my room!

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Thank you 🩷 and yes I’ve taken a few days off from any activity more strenuous than filling up my coffee cup.

It’s sound advice, getting lost, but she didn’t realize how loaded a statement that was 🤣🤣 But your newsletter is beautifully representative of the joys in getting turned around and the gems unveiled through those travels. I’m a big believer in getting lost, or at least purposefully seeking out local gems vs tourist traps... (That said, I will be going to Loch Ness!! 🦕)

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In her defence she'd only just met me - but it wasn't long before my new friends thought it better not to let me go out unaccompanied! 🤣

Seeking out local gems vs tourist traps is always a good move. I remember going to Padstow a few years ago now - it's a coastal town in Cornwall overwhelmingly popular with tourists - and there were soooo many people that it was hard to even walk along the streets, never mind into shops or museums or cafés or anywhere! Not the place to be when you're as crowd-averse as I am! 🤣

Loch Ness is gorgeous - we were there a couple of years ago - I even swam! It was July, and freezing cold, and I didn't get eaten by Nessie. I like to think it was her day off! 😉

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I will have to report back on whether she’s off duty when we arrive; alternatively, whether I survive the perils of the Loch!! (I reckon I COULD tangle with an aquatic dinosaur, being used to wrestling polar bears and moose for maple syrup on the regular 😤🫎🐻‍❄️)

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I reckon you’re more than a match for Nessie, Bryn, given that background! 🏆

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I love the murals! We used to have one near us on a restaurant, and it was gorgeous. It added character to a historic district. That restaurant went out of business and the next owner painted over it. It was sad. The art was lost to time.

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That is sad. 😞 I think murals are just wonderful ways to weave the community tighter into the fabric of a neighbourhood. Hopefully a new one will emerge with the right artist and opportunity.

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Jun 29Liked by Bryn Robinson

Something in me snapped a few years ago (maybe it was the pandemic dreams?) and I no longer wish to do things on vacation. I do things all the time! Why not use those precious days to be aimless (in all kinds of places)? Your trip sounds great!

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I love this framing - absolutely, we do things and be all productive all the time. And there’s something luxurious and empowering to say, “No, today I will stare at clouds.” I think the pandemic definitely sharpened focus and priorities for me, too.

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Jun 30Liked by Bryn Robinson

Hi Bryn - found your writing through Twitter and really enjoy reading it (Starr from Craft Corner at work). I just had to count, and I think it’s been seven times to Ottawa for me, the first one being Encounters with Canada in 1990.

The Mint is worth a visit I think and we did get to Diefenbunker one trip - an interesting piece of Canadian history. Also check out Rideau Hall if you ever have a chance.

I don’t think I could do a trip with no plans at all, but I do like seeing new things every time and exploring, finding unexpected new delights. I’ve been to Toronto so many times, but only visited Grafitti Alley for the first time last month and it was so great. Have you been there?

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Hi Starr! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Appreciate that you’ve been reading my writing :)

I like your suggestions - haven’t been to either the Mint or Diefenbunker, but maybe the next visit!

I would say our plans are there, but light? I need to do some recon before visiting a place, but only use it if I feel it’s better to stick to a schedule. I’ve got another trip coming up that I’m going to start sketching some outlines. I think a part of it, too, is this desire to see a balance of landmarks and local hot spots that hide from travel guides and maps. I worry that leaning too hard on a plan will have me miss those hidden gems.

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Jul 3Liked by Bryn Robinson

This is true!! I just came back from a trip to a few countries in Europe, and I'd say it's important to strike a balance between overplanning and not planning at all. I think light plans are good, because you have an idea of what you're going to do but also you're not too restricted if you see something cool and want to check it out.

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A light sketch or rough outline is best 🙌 Which countries? That sounds awesome!

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Jul 4Liked by Bryn Robinson

england, france, and italy (and vatican city). and it was fun indeed :)

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Oh that sounds lovely (which my phone tried to autocorrect to “ocelot” and I’m not even mad).

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Jul 3Liked by Bryn Robinson

i especially love that black and white photo of "Dancer." and i think the last quote might be my quote of the month. thanks for sharing!!

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You’re welcome, thanks for reading and commenting! Isn’t that quote fabulous? I was on the bus and it stopped right in front of it. I knew when I walked back along the route I would need to stop for a photo.

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